The Secret
Language of Cats
The purpose of this site is to elaborate on cat behaviors and what they mean. These behaviors were studied in two cats, a gray tabby cat and a white ragdoll. Further external research was done to better understand these behaviors and their multiple meanings.
Tail Quiver
When a cat's tail is vertical and quivers slightly this means the cat is happy and is extending a typical cat greeting.
When a cat appears content and healthy their purring is a sign of happiness. In the rare case your cat is injured they may purr to improve their healing.
Kneading is a common behavior in kittens when they are nursing and it is a sign that a cat feels safe and content.
Research has shown that cats have adapted their meows to better communicate with humans. Therefore meowing can mean a multitude of things and it is not unusual for cats to be talkative. If a cat is persistently meowing it is most likely because your cat needs urgent attention such as food or care.
When a cat rubs or headbutts against you it is a sign of affection. The cat thinks of you as part of its colony group of family and is marking you by sharing their scent.
Low Tail Flick
When a cat's tail is low rather than vertical and flicks back and forth rapidly this means the cat is annoyed. This behavior can indicate when a cat may pounce at what is annoying it.
Biting and Scratching
Kittens will bite and scratch objects and sometimes their owners when they are playing. Adult cats may bite or scratch because they are overstimulated. This is especially common during petting sessions when they need a break.
Butt Wiggle
This behavior means a cat is getting ready to pounce on either its prey or a playtoy. Cats most likely wiggle their backside before attcking to prepare for their leap by testing their footing and releasing energy.
Slow Blink
When cats slowly blink while looking at their owner it means they feel safe enough to let their guard down and are offering affection. The opposite would be if a cat is starring intently at an object which means they are on alert and do not feel safe enough to relax.